Welcome to SwingGraphs

Baseball is billed as a highly analytical and progressive industry. Yet, after researching swing path with both video and data over the past several years, we believed there were several significant misunderstandings about both training and evaluating hitters regarding the subject. Presently, there is very little, if any, other analysis which considers swing path in 3D. Swing path is highly complex and simplifying to two dimensions is not only ineffective but often results in conclusions that are contrary to the data.

On this site, you will find the only Swing Path Scores currently available in the industry as well as proprietary data on Vertical Bat Angle. This data is not derived or modeled but captured directly via computer vision algorithms from MLB games. We have over 100,000 captures from 2018 forward which we believe is the deepest dataset on VBA – and the only one that is publicly available (in the Member Zone). Additionally, we have paired the VBA for each capture with the batted ball data from Statcast – so we are able to evaluate the connection between VBA, swing path and performance.

In addition, to capture the breadth of hitting skill that are evident in some of the best hitters, we are also providing a 3P Score – for Path | Power | Plate (discipline).

One of the most practical uses of our data is for fantasy baseball. Relying on past data is of little use if a player makes a significant change in mechanics. An example of this is Juan Soto. We were able to identify an issue with his swing path – while he was still raking in 2021. Many are still projecting him to be the best hitter in baseball but that is highly unlikely unless he is able to get back to his ‘old’ swing path. As an update, in April 2024, we found that Soto had one of the largest increases in Attack Angle – from the 23rd percentile to the 59th – so his “ceiling” performance should be higher. There are many other examples of identifying players before results where noticeable in the data (See our profile/comments on X for all of them).

Special Note to Organizations – The complete raw data for VBA (including the paired Statcast batted ball data) is also available for sale.

Another available option is purchasing our code to get the VBAs which could be further customized for additional applications such as minor league, college, softball, or other programs. Please contact us for additional information and pricing.

If you would like to go deeper and understand 3D swing path in more detail, we highly recommend picking up a copy of Quantitative Hitting on Amazon.